
Pop's Story

We are believers of Web3 and see Polkadot at the center of a proper Web3 vision. Pop's goal is to make it easy for others to build for Polkadot, and to build next-generation decentralized applications.

Why Pop?

The name of Pop may have been inspired by one of our team members eating Pop rock candy in Bangkok, but the reason for Pop existing is much more profound. Pop was created to make building real-world applications abiding to the ideals of Web3 easy and accessible to the masses. Pop allows you to focus on development - and struggle less with the complexities of Polkadot.




The founding members started in the same company, Parity Technologies, where we built appchains, ink! contracts, tools, provided ecosystem support, and much more. From doing this, we have seen the power of Polkadot, and sincerely believe it provides true decentralized technology, without compromise.


Polkadot Complexities

With seeing the immense capabilities of Polkadot, we have also seen the complexities of building for Polkadot. Building for Polkadot presents challenges for even simple things like starting a new contract or appchain project. But it goes deeper, for example, how do you deploy a contract with DOT that uses the power of Polkadot? The technology is complex.


Going R0GUE

The developer experience needed to change! So, we went R0GUE, with our first mission to help make development on Polkadot easy and empowering. This was the beginning of Pop.


Ecosystem Support

We began building Pop, doing research, and talking to developers and contributors to Polkadot. Pop quickly received validation and support. Pop Network received 100% AYE from the Polkadot Treasury signalling the importance of what Pop is for.

Meet the Team behind Pop

We're R0GUE a team of innovators, dreamers, and tech enthusiasts who are helping make development for Polkadot accessible and empowering.

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Co-Founder & Engineer

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Co-Founder & Engineer

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Co-Founder & Engineer

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Co-Founder & Engineer

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Co-Founder & Engineer

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Co-Founder & Engineer

Want to learn more about us?

Check out some of our presentations, workshops and talks!

An introduction to dApp development with ink!

Consensus 2024, by Peter White

Reimagining the Developer Experience on Polkadot

Sub0 Asia 2024, by Daan van der Plas

Introduction to Substrate

Sub0 Asia 2024, by Bruno Galvao

Join our Growing Community!

Got questions about Pop or the team? Ask us!

Copyright © 2024 R0GUE