An all-in-one tool for Polkadot development.

Start Building


Starter templates

Contracts & Appchains


GitHub stars



Command usages

and growing...

Environment Setup

With one command, install all the technologies needed to get started with Polkadot development.

Project Scaffolding

Scaffold your solution in seconds. Choose from a variety of smart contract or appchain templates.

Launch Polkadot Networks

Launch local Polkadot networks, including system parachains and cross-chain channels, in seconds.

Smart Contract Interaction

Interact with your smart contract and test its functionality, without leaving your terminal.

Testing & Debugging

Pop up your smart contract or appchain locally to test and debug. Pop CLI will setup your local nodes for you.

Easy Deployment

Pop up your smart contract to a production chain. Only one command needed.

Pop CLI integrates:



Pop CLI is building out first class support for Polkadot appchains and smart contracts.



  • Parachain Instantiation
  • Parachain Templates
  • Environment Setup
  • Analytics
  • Documentation

Building + Deploying

  • Parachains
  • Contracts
  • Analytics
  • Documentation

Maintenance + Messaging

  • Pallet Instantiation
  • Polkadot SDK Updates
  • XCM Configuration Templates
  • Analytics
  • Documentation


  • Benchmarking
  • Migration Testing
  • XCM Testing
  • Analytics
  • Documentation


  • Evolution

Want to see something added? Get in touch!


Watch this space as Pop CLI continues to evolve...

July 2024

v0.3.0 Released

  • Building artifacts for appchain registration on a Polkadot network.
  • Faster binary sourcing - launch your appchain on a local Paseo, Kusama or Polkadot network in seconds.
  • New smart contract starter templates.
  • Build, test and deploy smart contracts with ease.
  • Various bug fixes and user experience (UX) improvements.

JUNE 2024

v0.2.0 Released

  • Integration with OpenZeppelin parachain templates.
  • Automatically launch a local network for contract deployment testing.
  • Various bug fixes and user experience (UX) improvements.

MAY 2024

v0.1.0 Released

  • Parachain project instantiation from a diverse set of templates.
  • Customization Flags: Use flags to customize your parachain
  • Detection and installation of essential tools required for Polkadot development.
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